Dr. Angela Müller (she/her)

Executive Director AlgorithmWatch CH | Executive Board Member AlgorithmWatch

Angela Müller

Angela is Executive Director of AlgorithmWatch CH in Zurich and Executive Board Member of AlgorithmWatch in Berlin. Before, she led the Policy Team at AlgorithmWatch for four years. She is responsible for the overall strategy of the organization and especially for its work in the fields of policy and investigations. Angela has testified as an expert before the Council of Europe, the German Bundestag and the Swiss Parliament, and was appointed as one of “100 Women in AI Ethics” worldwide in 2024. She is a member of expert working groups of the Swiss Federal Administration and – next to her role at AlgorithmWatch – of the Federal Media Commission. Angela studied political philosophy and ethics and holds a PhD in Law from the University of Zurich, where her research focused on the cross-border applicability of human rights law in the context of globalization and new technologies. She was a visiting researcher at Columbia University, New York, and Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Prior to her current role, she held positions at different universities, for an innovation platform, a civil society think tank on foreign policy, and the Swiss Foreign Ministry.