Advisory Committee

The AlgorithmWatch CH Advisory Committee is made up of committed individuals from science, politics, business and society. The Advisory Committee advises the AlgorithmWatch CH team and board on strategic and thematic issues.

Prof. Dr. iur. Nadja Braun Binder
Professor of Public Law, University of Basel
Isabelle Chappuis
Member of the National Council & Director Swiss Center for Augmented Intelligence SCAI
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Gilardi
Professor of Policy Analysis, University of Zurich, Co-Founder and Director Digital Democracy Lab
Prof. Dr. Christoph Heitz
Professor of Algorithm Ethics, ZHAW School of Engineering, Co-Founder and President Data Innovation Alliance
Corinna Hertweck
PhD student Computer Science & Philosophy, ZHAW & University of Zurich
Dr. rer. pol Manuela Honegger
Corporate mentor for digital transformation for NPO/NGOs, Director Transformation Design
Patrick Karpiczenko
Speaker & lecturer for artificial intelligence, film and TV producer
Min Li Marti
Member of the National Council and Publisher
Dr. Anne Mollen
Research Associate, Institute for Communication Science, University of Münster
Emilia Pasquier
CEO swissnex San Francisco
Dr. Beat A. Schwendimann
Head of Pedagogical Work Centre & Working Group Digital Transformation in Schools, Swiss Federation of Teachers LCH
Prof. Dr. Monika Simmler
Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, University of St. Gallen
Xenia Wassihun
Central Secretary Equality and Social Affairs, Trade Union VPOD/SSP