
Atlas of Automation

To detect benefit fraud, measure work performance, predict a person's creditworthiness or show us personalised content online - algorithms and so-called "artificial intelligence" are shaping our everyday lives today. Where, by whom and for what purpose these algorithmic systems are used, however, is largely a black box. With the Atlas of Automation, AlgorithmWatch CH now sheds light on the darkness.

Graphic: Beate Autering

February 29, 2024

People must ensure that AI serves the people

November 16, 2022

Avoiding discrimination in algorithmic hiring

November 10, 2022

What algorithms at the workplace mean for worker rights and participation

November 2, 2021

Algorithms in the Swiss Political Discourse

November 20, 2020

ADM Systems in the Public Sector

November 20, 2020

Automating Society Report