Draft AI Act: Submission by AlgorithmWatch
In April 2021, the European Commission published its draft version of the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). The regulation will be directly relevant for Switzerland. Read our submission to the Commission’s proposal.

The Commission’s proposal will have a lasting impact on the debate around the governance of AI-based systems, both within and outside the EU. On the one hand, the draft AI Act would have legal effects in non-EU countries – and, thus, would under certain conditions also apply to operators of AI-based systems in Switzerland. On the other hand, it puts the debate around the governance of AI on top of the political agendas worldwide. Read our blog post about what the regulation means for Switzerland [in German].
As part of the public consultation process, AlgorithmWatch submitted a comprehensive response to the draft AI regulation. In principle, we welcome the Commission's intention to orient the regulation towards European values and the protection of fundamental rights. At the same time, we fear that the current draft would not reliably achieve these goals. AlgorithmWatch calls on the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to take action to clarify, correct, or improve various aspects. The goal of the regulation must be to enable the use of ADM systems that benefits society – instead of harming it.
Read our detailed statement on the proposed regulation.
Read more on our policy & advocacy work on the Artificial Intelligence Act.